Interview with María José Soto, General Director of the BEELIEVE kindergarten.
We spoke with María José Soto, a native of Guadalajara, who holds a degree in Pedagogy from the Universidad Panamericana (Panamerican University), studies that she has complemented with more than nineteen years of experience. She is the General Director of the BEELIEVE kindergarten, whose facilities were built by AVANTRA, obtaining LEED silver level certification and being the first kindergarten in Mexico to boast this prestigious credential.

What have been the most important challenges in your professional life?
I have had many challenges throughout my career, but one of the most recent and important has been to create, hand in hand Grupo Colmenares, a new concept of preschool in Guadalajara.
A project completely built from scratch and looking for a congruence from its educational model, the sustainable construction of each space, and the architectural development. A disruptive preschool for its formative value in each student and their families.
It took almost two years of traveling and studying nationally and internationally the best educational practices for children, giving it a unique seal with the institutional philosophy that respects childhood but forms happy, confident, and autonomous citizens, with strength in the skills that the 21st century demands of them.
What projects or plans do you have for the future?
I have medium and long term projects coming up: to resume my studies in the areas of education and family, to participate in boards of directors as an advisor for the consolidation of educational projects and their expansion. To be a more present mom and accompany my children in their challenges, dreams, and projects as teenagers. My family and God have been the great support to move forward.
Can you share a tip, habit, or advice that you follow in your professional life?
My advice would always be the passion for service, for things well done, for being very clear about the skills you have, and for making the most of what you are good at and what you enjoy. I could sum it up in one sentence: “make life pleasant for others”. There is no insignificant or ordinary work, if it is well done it has great significance.