Learn more about the name we chose for the Casa AVANTRA (AVANTRA House) project!
Casa AVANTRA (AVANTRA House) will be a sustainable property located in Tapalpa, a beautiful magical town in Jalisco. Designed to share the values that define us: technology, environment, resilience, and well-being.
We have long searched for a name that would reflect all these attributes and that would also be simple, easy to remember, and that we would love.
This is how FLOR DE PIEDRA (STONE FLOWER) was born!
Flowers are living organisms that grow thanks to their good use of natural resources. We chose this word because the project also seeks to be beautiful, just as flowers are beautiful. They give seeds that spread through other agents such as the wind or pollinators, creating even more flowers around the world.
On the other hand, stone is one of the materials used in the house. For us it represents solidity and timelessness, two of the most important characteristics of this project.
The result of the combination of both words was the analogy that FLOR DE PIEDRA (STONE FLOWER) seeks to promote the spreading of our Vision:
To be a house that takes technology, the environment, resilience and wellness to the limit of the state of the art in a framework of beauty and Mexican tradition, to be a world reference.
A solid vision that will permeate people over time, creating awareness about the benefits that sustainable architecture and engineering have on our planet.